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Gain Time With an Airbnb Management Company in Melbourne

Have you ever wondered why some many idioms and sayings feature time? Time can fly, steal, and heal, time also marches on and waits for no (wo)man. All of these phrases and sayings exist because time is a precious commodity, particularly in the modern world.

If you’ve been managing your own Airbnb property, you’ve probably noticed that it’s a time sink, to say the least. And that’s not even mentioning the lengthy effort it takes to set up a viable — and profitable — rental. Enquire now for short term property manager services in Melbourne.

Besides the obvious benefits of using an Airbnb management service (more bookings, less stress, more money) we think that time itself is one of the greatest things we give our property owners.

How Airbnb management services save you time

Liaising with customers, organising cleaners, delivering keys, answering inquiries; it all takes way more time than you expected when you first decided to get into the Airbnb game. If you’re free to turn your attention to the bigger picture and away from the details, you can concentrate on expanding your business.

Here’s how an Airbnb management company can save you time and give you your life back:

Initial setup

New short-term rental listings take time to do well. Your listing’s impact on the page can make or break your conversion rates. You could spend hours researching what works and how to turn readers into guests, or you can hand this task over to the pros.

It goes without saying that poorly presented listings attract little attention. They attract less income, too. Getting it right from the start means immediate attention from potential guests. To bolster your chances of getting maximum bang for your buck, we can take care of photography, styling, copywriting, and more. This stuff is key to sales. The devil’s in the details, after all.

For greater exposure, and income, your rental property can be listed on multiple booking engines including Airbnb, Booking.com, Agoda, Expedia, and HomeAway. These channels aren’t always fast or easy to list on, and that’s where we come in.

If you’re listing on multiple channels, you’ll also need a system in place to make sure the property’s availability is regularly updated on each booking engine. All this can swiftly add up to hours of extra work each day.

Dealing with clients and potential clients

Communicating with clients in a timely and responsive manner is one key element behind a successful rental property. Guests expect swift replies that directly answer the questions they have asked. Copy and paste messages just don’t cut it.

Did you know that slow replies or a failure to reply to clients can affect your listing’s position on some platforms? By missing just two or three inquiries, your property can tumble from the first page down to the sixth — no one wants that.

Messages and emails should be friendly, welcoming, and personable. Stiff, overly formal, or blunt messages may turn potential guests to another listing. Not a people person? Save yourself the time and effort (and keep your clients happy) but outsourcing your communications to an Airbnb management service.

Managing staff

Guests aren’t the only people you need to communicate with if you have short-term property rentals. Unless you’re inclined to get down on your knees and scrub bathroom tiles, you probably have a cleaner or two. You might also have co-hosts to help with key delivery, check-ins, and check-outs. Which, as you know, can happen at any time of the day or night.

Arranging arrivals, departures, keys, cleaning and communicating all of this to the staff takes time. It also requires you to be on the ball constantly. One minor slip can lead to guest dissatisfaction.

If you’re not keen on all the hassles and time involved with this, you can hand the logistics over to a management team who do this stuff for a living.

Maintenance and emergencies

The perfect property doesn’t exist and all short-term rentals need maintenance and upkeep. Even if your property is in tip-top shape, there’s no way you can predict a sudden power outage because of a blown fuse or another issue in the building.

Firstly, it’s important to keep on top of regular maintenance as much as possible to prevent the kind of issues that guests hate. You guessed it, maintaining a property isn’t a quick, one-off process, it takes time.

Secondly, some issues can’t be prevented. They just have to be managed correctly when they occur. If you sleep through 3 am messages from a guest telling you that something has gone wrong, they are not going to be impressed.

Some Airbnb management companies, including us here at Roomerang, take care of both maintenance and guest emergencies. You won’t have to drag yourself out of bed at some ungodly hour for an emergency — either real or perceived.

What will you do with all your extra time?

Phew, there’s an awful lot of work involved in the points we talked about. Once it’s taken off your hands and placed into those of a Melbourne Airbnb property manager, the only question you’ll have to ask yourself is how you’re going to spend all the extra time you’ve saved.

Golf? Quality family time? Sneaky 11 am mimosas… ? Hey, we won’t judge.

While you think about how to fill your free hours, drop us a line and find out how we can help you today.

Related Tag: Short Term Property Manager Melbourne.